Your Feelings Are Not Fact

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Hi Tigress! I’m going to drop a bomb on you today: your feelings are not facts. Emotions are powerful, but they don’t always tell the truth. They’re merely giving you feedback about something or a situation. Here’s an example: just because you feel unloved after a tough conversation doesn’t mean you are unloved. And on the flip side, just because you feel amazing with a person, doesn’t mean they’re the right partner for you. That’s just your emotions talking, not reality.

When you’re tasked with making a decision and you’re drowning in emotions, take a breather. Ask yourself, “What’s the evidence here?” “What are the facts?” You’ll often find that your feelings are based on past experiences, not what’s happening now.

It’s fine to feel deeply, but don’t let those feelings run the show. Recognize them, but challenge them too. By separating feelings from facts, you make smarter, clearer decisions. This clarity will supercharge your relationships, boost your confidence in yo self, and help you live a more balanced life.

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